Nursing the elderly
Nursing the elderly is an honourable job in any society. Long before society created current elderly nursing standards, we used to nurse our elderly at home. This was usually done by the females. Nowadays it has become a profession. Elderly people around the world need a lot of car. In some parts of the developed world this care is usually provided by the state. This means the tax payer has to take over. The private old age nursing industry has grown to a multibillion dollar industry. The main reason being the fact that the life expectancy of has increased over the past couple of years. Especially in much of the developed world. This is attributed to the rise in medical standard and improvements in biotechnology.
Nursing the elderly at home
Nursing the elderly at home can be another way to save money. This is due to the high cost of nursing homes. It’s quite common to nurse the elderly at home especially in the developing world. Where there is high unemployment. This means the younger family members have to take on the responsibility of taking care of the elderly. However sometimes unskilled nurses are hired to take care of the elderly in their homes. In most families the younger idle members take on the task of taking care of the elderly. We all love our elderly so we feel it is our duty to take care of them as they have taken care of us.
Nursing Qualification
In most countries one has to be educated in order to work as a nurse for the elderly. It’s usually called nurse aid. It can take up to 3 year to get a qualification in the field. A post high school diploma is sufficient in the field.